Faldelah’s Story

Dear Jessica,

Yaqin is doing fantastic! The school is so supportive towards him and accepting and it has helped him reach his full potential. I don’t think we could have handled more rejection, so I am very grateful that it all turned out well and that God has smiled on us this year. His teacher is fully aware of his ADHD and supports our decision not to medicate. Curro has a team of professionals who are advising his teacher on how to best support Yaqin’s needs in the class, starting with positive re-enforcement. He now has a warm water bottle in class to help him with his concentration (a tip provided by the in house OT) which is helping tremendously. He is reading now too and latching onto the Grade 2 with all his heart. Your input for the last few weeks of last year also made a huge impact on his reading so a big THANK YOU!

Curro’s approach is amazing and even me as the parent feel so supported and loved it’s amazing. Yaqin’s entire personality has bloomed into what I know him to be, a kind, loving human boy. He has made so many friends and we have had our first play date already with one of his classmates so adjustment isn’t an issue for him at Curro. I think he just desperately wanted a friend and to be accepted. Curro promotes a loving environment and when entering Yaqin’s class all the kids are friendly and you can expect a hug and any given moment– I get so many hugs in the morning from random kids it just makes my day every day !

They are also keeping him busy with Sport and I have chosen one extra mural (Experi Buddy) for the term. His summer sport is swimming which he does from 1h15 to 2h15 every Monday and Wednesday and Tuesdays are PE for that same timeslot. So sports uniform Monday to Wednesday and Thursday to Friday normal uniform (chino and shirt). They also have art, robotics and computers as part of the curriculum so Yaqin is truly loving it! We have also chosen guitar as his musical instrument for the year which he is looking forward to.

I truly feel that we have found the right fit to support Yaqin and I would like you to share this information with the parents of your group. I know it is early days, but I have had these challenges for 3 years flat out and for the very first time I feel some relief and my son is starting to feel whole and happy and able to cope with his ADHD.

Thank you for your kindness and concern, I will always treasure it. Please stay in contact….

Warm regards,
