Useful books

Books are a great way to gain more insight into your child’s ADHD profile. Gaining knowledge can help reduce stress, anxiety and increase a positive outlook. I highly recommend these books as a great resource for any parent of a child with ADHD or anyone interested in the topic. Below the section on books for parents/teachers/therapists is a selection of books written for the ADHD child/sibling or friend. Reading a book with your child about ADHD is a wonderful way to broach  a confusing topic in a positive way. Please scroll down for the titles of the books. I will add to these parent/teacher oriented books as well as the child books as I learn of new and useful books.

 Books for parents/teachers/therapists:

1. How to cope with  – South African guide for parents, teachers and therapists. (Helena Bester).

2. Take charge of ADHD. (Russel A. Barkley PHD).

3. Hyperactivity and ADD, caring and coping. (Heather Picton)

4. Teaching and ADHD in the Southern African Classroom. ( Anita Decaires-Wagner & Heather Picton Eds.)

Books for children with or affected by ADHD:

1. My Friend Has ADHD. (Amanda Doering Tourville). 

2. Jumpin’ Johnny Get Back to Work: A Child’s Guide to Adhd-Hyperactivity. (Michael Gordon).

3. Putting on the Brakes Activity Book for Kids with Add or ADHD. (Patricia O. Quinn & Judith M. Stern).

4. Shelley, the Hyperactive Turtle. (Deborah Moss).

5. My Brother’s a World-Class Pain: A Sibling’s Guide to Adhd-Hyperactivity. (Michael Gordon).

6. The ADDed Touch: Touch tells the story of Matthew, a first grader who has difficulty staying focused, following directions, and controlling his body.  (Robyn Watson).


If you can suggest any other books parents or children may find useful please email me at